Book Update!

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Dear friends,

Many of you know that for the last three years I have been working on a book.  It began with a kickstarter campaign to pay for a babysitter so I could write.  (Thank you to the many of you who were part of that!)

The last three years of work on this book have been a journey up a very steep learning curve.  After much prayer and thought and a lot of great conversations with knowledgeable people, I decided in January to move forward with self-publication, and I am thrilled.

In self-publishing, I am not beholden to a bottom line like a traditional publisher, so there is more freedom to do what feels right for the book, regardless of marketability.  I also have the opportunity  to experience the process of making a book from start to finish – a complex and fascinating process.  And, as a friend told me recently, I get to figure out what exactly I’m about before I submit that to someone else’s authority.

Right now I am in the process of completing the final revisions – distilling the book down to exactly what it is supposed to be.  I am working with a fabulous editor, Paul J. Pastor, and already much clarity has come from our collaboration.  I am gathering a wonderful team of people around me to handle the elements I can’t create myself, like copyediting and design.  It is such a joy to watch all of this unfold!

The book is about my journey of discovering God’s love in difficult times through spiritual practice.  It is part story, part guide, and my great hope is that it is helpful to anyone struggling through a difficult or transitional season.  The title we have settled on is A Good Way Through.

If you would like updates on the publication of A Good Way Through, you can sign up for my email list here.  If all goes as planned, it should be available sometime early in 2017.

Blessings, my friends!  Thank you for reading.


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